I Brush and I Floss, but I Still Have Bad Breath!
By Mina Levi, DDS, 09/18/2015
breath is not something that anyone wants to suffer from, but sometimes
no matter how often you brush and floss your teeth, your breath is
still bad. In this week’s article, San Francisco Dentist Mina Levi, DDS discusses causes of bad breath, what bad breath could mean, and how we can treat it.
What are some of the causes of bad breath?
1. Food particles in the mouth.
The first cause is simple, which is a buildup of old food/drink residue
still left on the teeth. If you are brushing and flossing well every
day, this shouldn’t be the problem causing the bad breath for you.
2. Bacteria build up on the tongue. While
brushing and flossing your teeth is great and definitely necessary to
clean the bacteria and food debris from the teeth, sometimes the tongue
is ignored and can be a place where bacteria builds up into a film over
the tongue and can cause bad breath.
3. Using tobacco. Smoking or chewing tobacco-based products can cause bad breath and stain the teeth.
4. Something’s wrong somewhere else in the body. Bad
breath can be a sign that there is something going wrong or needs
attention from somewhere else in the body, no matter how clean your
mouth is. For instance, diabetes and acid reflux tend to have a specific
breath odor associated with them.
What health problems are associated with bad breath?
Gum disease. Bad breath could mean that you are in the beginning stages
of gum disease. Gum disease is caused by build up of plaque and
bacteria in between the teeth and gums. If the gum disease goes
untreated, it will advance to periodontitis and can cause tooth loss and
jaw bone damage.
2. Dental decay. Decay of the teeth and especially the roots of the teeth can cause bad breath.
Dry mouth. Dry mouth is an underproduction of saliva, a necessary
substance in the mouth to moisten and neutralize acids. Dry mouth can
cause bad breath when dead cells are not washed away and the acids in
the mouth build up.
4. Disease.
Pneumonia, sinus infections, diabetes, acid reflux and liver or kidney
failure all have associated bad breath odors.
What can we do to treat bad breath?
1. Brush your tongue too!
2. Drink lots of water
3. Quit using tobacco products
4. See the dentist and general health practitioner regularly
If you have concerns about your bad breath, visit Dentist San Francisco Mina Levi, DDS on the web at www.minalevidds.com or give us a call at (415) 513-5066.