Friday, August 28, 2015

Can Root Canals Be Re-Treated?

Can Root Canals Be Re-Treated?
By Mina Levi, DDS, 08/28/2015

In a root canal procedure, the roots or nerves of the tooth are removed, so there shouldn’t be any pain coming from that tooth anymore. However, every now and then some patients have residual pain that is immediate, or years after the root canal is performed and they need a second root canal. This isn’t a second root canal so much as it is a re-treatment of a root canal. In this week’s article, San Francisco Dentist Mina Levi, DDS discusses what it means when a root canal needs to be re-treated.

Root Canals San Francisco

What happens during a root canal re-treatment?

The endodontist will re-open the tooth or drill through the placed restoration and remove the filling materials that were placed in the canals of the tooth during the first root canal procedure. Then, the endodontist will look for signs of new infection or additional canals that need to be treated. The endodontist will then remove any infection or clean out the missed canal, clean and reshape them, and place new filling materials. Another crown or restoration will need to be placed on the tooth after the retreatment.

Why would I need a second root canal procedure?

A tooth may not heal as expected after the initial root canal for a number of reasons:
1. Complicated canal anatomy went undetected in the first procedure. Some people have a complicated root system like an extra root that is directly behind another root, so an x-ray may not have shown this in the initial treatment.
2. Narrow canals were not treated during the initial procedure.
3. The restoration (filling or crown) did not prevent saliva from contaminating the inside of the tooth.
4. The placement of the crown was delayed after the endodontic root canal treatment. If you wait more than 30 days after a root canal to have the crown placed, it can cause problems with the initial treatment.

If you have tooth pain or a root canalled tooth that is bothering you and you think you may need re-treatment, visit San Francisco Dentist Mina Levi, DDS on the web at or give us a call at (415) 513-5066.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Aging and Dental Care

Aging and Dental Care
By Mina Levi, DDS, 08/21/2015

As we age, our dental and oral anatomy changes. The dentin (bone-like tissue under the tooth enamel) changes to a darker, yellower color and the enamel becomes thinner. Because of these changes in the mouth, we need to make changes to the way we care for our teeth. In this week’s article, San Francisco dentist Mina Levi, DDS discusses aging teeth and what we need to do to best take care of our teeth.

Aging and Dental Care San Francisco Dentist 

Changes in the mouth:
1. Teeth will be darker. Teeth darken because the dentin darkens and the enamel covering our teeth thins out, showing more of the darker dentin. Teeth can also darken due to a lifetime of consuming staining food and drink, especially if the teeth are not cleaned professionally on a regular basis. Since the enamel thins as we age, the teeth are less sensitive to the signs and symptoms of teeth decay and so the decay can progress faster without the person knowing it.
2. Drier mouth. As we age, our salivary glands do not produce as much saliva naturally, which causes the dry mouth. Also, we tend to take more medications as we get older, which can also contribute to dry mouth.
3. Gum disease. Gum disease is often a problem for older adults and is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults in the US. Gum disease is caused by plaque and bacteria buildup in between the gums and teeth, use of tobacco, and certain diseases like anemia and diabetes.
4. Root decay. Over time, especially without proper care, the gums can recede away from the teeth, exposing the dentin to acids in the mouth. These areas are extra vulnerable to bacteria and acids because they are not covered by enamel, so when the tooth begins to have a cavity, the decay can eat straight through to the root of the tooth causing infection or causing the root to die. This can lead to needing a root canal or needing the tooth to be extracted.

What do we need to do?

In order to make sure we keep up with the changes in our mouth as we age, it is important to see the dentist regularly at least, if not more often, twice per year for check ups and cleanings. This makes it possible for the dentist to detect any beginnings of decay before it causes a lot of damage and the hygienist can keep bacteria from building up and prevent gum disease. If the gums start to recede from the teeth, the dentist will be able to treat it so that the tooth underneath is protected from decay and sensitivity.

If you have any questions or concerns about the changes in the mouth that occur as we age, visit Dentist San Francisco Mina Levi, DDS on the web at or give us a call at (415) 513-5066.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Anatomy of the Teeth

The Anatomy of a Tooth
By Mina Levi, DDS, 08/13/2015

We all have teeth or have had teeth at some point in our lives, and it is common knowledge that enamel has something to do with the outside of the teeth and can be whitened. However, do you know the anatomy of a tooth inside and out? In this week’s article, San Francisco dentist Mina Levi, DDS breaks down tooth anatomy.

Tooth numbers: The teeth are numbered from 1-32 starting from the upper right side and ending on the lower right side. Tooth #1, 16, 17 and 32 are the wisdom teeth, and some people may not have those in their mouths.

Tooth numbers anatomy San Francisco dentist

The back three larger teeth (Tooth #1-3, 14-16, 17-19 and 30-32) are called molars. The next two teeth that are a little bit smaller than the molars (Tooth #4-5, 12-13, 20-21, and 28-29) are called premolars. The next tooth that is sharp and is often referred to as a fang tooth (Tooth #6, 11, 22, and 27) is called the canine tooth. The rest of the teeth in the very front (Tooth #7-10 and 23-26) are called incisors, central for the very front (Tooth #8, 9, 24 and 25) and lateral for the ones next to them (Tooth #7, 10, 23 and 26).

Quadrants: The mouth and teeth are broken up into four quadrants, upper right (Tooth #1-8), upper left (Tooth #9-16), lower left (Tooth#17-24) and lower right (Tooth #25-32). Each quadrant has 8 teeth: 3 molars, 2 premolars, 1 canine, and 2 incisors (1 central and 1 lateral).

Tooth anatomy Dentist San Francisco

Crown: The crown of the tooth is the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth and sits on top of the gums.
Root: The roots of the tooth are below the gum line and are the part of the tooth that is cemented into the jawbone. Depending on what type of tooth, there are a different number of roots. For example, a molar generally has 2-3 roots, a premolar has either 1 or 2 roots, and canines and incisors have 1.
Enamel: the enamel is the hardest, white outer part of the tooth that can be seen in the mouth and is made up of calcium phosphate. The enamel helps protect the inside of the teeth from decay.
Dentin: Dentin is the layer underneath the enamel that makes up the general body/filler material of the tooth and is made up on living cells that secrete a hard mineral substance.
Pulp: Pulp is the softer, inner structure of the teeth that hold the nerves and blood vessels in the tooth that run from the jawbone and out of the root canals.

If you have any questions or are interested in the anatomy of the tooth, visit Dentist San Francisco Mina Levi, DDS on the web at or give us a call at (415) 513-5066.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How Whitening Toothpastes Can Cause Sensitivity

How Whitening Toothpastes Can Cause Sensitivity
By Mina Levi, DDS, 08/06/2015

Whitening your teeth can be done in the dental office with Zoom whitening or custom take-home whitening trays, or you can use home whitening products such as whitening toothpaste or mouthwash. Although you will be warned of possible sensitivity when you have your teeth whitened at the dental office, the warnings for whitening toothpaste are not so clear sometimes. In this week’s article, San Francisco dentist Mina Levi, DDStalks about how whitening toothpastes can cause sensitivity and why.

Whitening Toothpaste Sensitivity San Francisco

Bleaching products contain peroxides (similar to the hydrogen peroxide you have at home) to help remove deep and surface stains from the teeth. Whitening toothpastes are called dentifrices, which have chemical agents that are designed to remove surface stains through chemical chelation or polishing, rather than via bleaching.

 Some of the abrasive factors found in whitening toothpastes that are great at removing stains also open up pores in the enamel when used for an extended period of time and can cause tooth sensitivity.

To avoid sensitivity when using whitening toothpaste, use a sensitive whitening toothpaste like Sensodyne, or switch from whitening toothpaste to regular toothpaste periodically.

If you are having tooth sensitivity after using whitening toothpaste or have questions about different teeth whitening procedures in the dental office, visit San Francisco dentist Mina Levi, DDS on the web at or give us a call at (415) 513-5066.